본문 바로가기





#define height 256

#define width 256

typedef unsigned char BYTE;

void main()


int i,j,x,y,k,l;

int size =3;//마스크크기 3x3

int temp;

unsigned char *mmask;

double temp_sum;

double mask[3][3] = { {1.0/9, 1.0/9, 1.0/9},

                {1.0/9, 1.0/9, 1.0/9},

                {1.0/9, 1.0/9, 1.0/9} };

mmask = (unsigned char*) calloc(size*size,sizeof(char));

FILE *F_I_true = fopen("lena.raw","rb");

FILE *F_I_noisy = fopen("lena_noisy.raw","rb");

FILE *F_O = fopen("lena_denoise.raw","wb");

BYTE* MemTrue = new BYTE [height*width];

BYTE* MemIn = new BYTE [height*width];

BYTE* MemOut = new BYTE [height*width];

fread(MemTrue, sizeof(BYTE), height*width, F_I_true); // use only for the performance evaluation

fread(MemIn, sizeof(BYTE), height*width, F_I_noisy); // 

// Apply your image restortaion algorithm here

for(j=0; j<height; j++)


for(i =0; i<width; i++)


for(k = 0; k<size; k++)


x =j+k - (int)((size-1)/2);

if(x<0) x = 0;       ///경계면

if(x>height -1) x = height-1;



y=i+l - (int)((size-1)/2);

if(y<0) y =0;         ///경계면

if(y>width-1) y = width -1;





for(int a=0; a<size*size;a++)


for(int b=0;b<size*size-a; b++)




temp = mmask[b];






temp=mmask[(size*size-1)/2];//temp에 중간값을 넣는다.

if(temp<0) temp =0;

if(temp>255) temp =255;

MemOut[j*width+i]=(unsigned char)temp;



// The following code is for 3x3 average filter

//for( j=1; j< height-1; j++ )


// for( i=1; i < width-1; i++ )

// {

// temp_sum = 0.0;

// for( x=-1; x<=1; x++ )

// {

// for( y=-1; y<=1; y++ )

// {

// temp_sum += (mask[x+1][y+1]*MemIn[(j+x)*width +(i+y)]);

// }

// }

// MemOut[j*width+i] = temp_sum;

// }



///////////max/min 은 쓰지않는걸로///////////

// unsigned char Max,Min;


//for(j =0; j<height; j++)


// for(i = 0; i<width; i++)

// {

// Min = 255;

// Max = 0;

// for(int k =0; k<size;k++)

// {

// x = j+k-(int)((size-1)/2);

// if(x<0)x=0;        ///경계면

// if(x>height -1) x=height-1;

// for(int l=0; l<size;l++)

// {

// y = i+l-(int)((size-1)/2);

// if(y<0) y=0;       ///경계면

// if(y>width-1) y=width-1;

// if(Min>Mem[x*width+y]) Min=Mem[x*width+y];

// if(Max<Mem[x*width+y]) Max=Mem[x*width+y];

// }

// }

// MemOut[j*width+i] = Min;

// MemOut[j*width+i] = Max;

// }


temp_sum = 0;

// Evaluate the performance

for( j=0; j< height; j++ )


for( i=0; i < width; i++ )


temp_sum += abs(MemTrue[j*width+i]- MemOut[j*width+i]);



temp_sum /= (height*width);

printf("Distortion: %f\n", temp_sum);


fwrite(MemOut,sizeof(BYTE),height*width, F_O);

delete MemTrue;

delete MemIn;

delete MemOut;





'diary > 과제' 카테고리의 다른 글

디쓰~리~  (0) 2015.11.03